舞蹈课程的核心是对技术和艺术发展的深入研究. In addition to a foundational class in ballet every day, where students delve deep into classical technique, 舞者学习爵士乐, 现代, 黑, 和合作, 和即兴演奏.
Students perfect jetés, attitudes, expressive movement, and arabesques. 此外, 皇冠体育舞蹈演员将有机会参加皇冠体育剧目舞团的试镜, 并在芝加哥和其他地方演出.
Celebrating 30 years of transforming young dancers, 兰迪·邓肯 received a feature in The Chicago Sun-Times!
A small army of faculty began a two-day, 400英里的商队, 在每位毕业生的家中停下来,亲手颁发毕业证书,并亲自为每位毕业生鼓掌. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
2019年校友晚会图片, 校友资助的最新情况, 2020年校友挑战赛, 和纪念玛吉·斯托弗的展览
爵士乐课程以芭蕾技术为基础,高度依赖非洲和现代舞蹈习语的结合. All exercises stress central 强度, with an emphasis on expressiveness through the torso, 隔离头部, 肩膀, 胸腔和臀部. 节奏模式,动态变化,以及运动的强烈和微妙的品质进行了探索. 跳舞rs are given combinations that are challenging at their level, depending on their level of technique.
现代课程介绍玛莎格雷厄姆技巧中使用的运动概念. 力量是通过地板练习来培养的,旨在教授从背部和脊柱下部开始运动. 通过练习中的各种拉伸组件来增加灵活性. 在地板工作中学到的形式和模式被应用到中心工作和整个地板的组合. 在C级(初级)学习的运动和原理在B级(中级)和A级(高级)课程中进一步探索. Accuracy and dexterity are emphasized. 随着学生对格雷厄姆词汇的熟悉,动作的复杂性也随之增加.
舞蹈组合 enables students to explore their individual creativity. 通过成分研究, students learn to articulate and communicate ideas, as well as to analyze and to critically evaluate movement. 学生将获得撰写短动作短语的能力,以及更长的作品,将在高级编舞音乐会上表演. 舞蹈组合 is taken by students during their junior and senior years.
*Course titles reflect transcripts for the 2017-2018 freshman class.
Ballet classes presuppose a beginning knowledge of the technique. They foster 强度, balance, and dexterity. 在栏杆边, 传统的练习训练肌肉组织,使其能够预测经典词汇中几乎所有动作的执行. 练习的性质允许学生扩大他们的个人活动范围. 在barre学到的概念在中心通过慢板(抒情品质)进行测试, 平衡), and allegro (small and big 跳跃) components of the lesson. 在芭蕾C中获得的知识和灵活性被应用到更具挑战性的练习和B级和A级的中央地板组合中.