A prolific musician 和 songwriter with the b和 Semi Precious Weapons, 贾斯汀流动商贩 now has seen great success writing hits for some of the music industry’s most notable 流行 stars. 最近写的Tranter Justin Bieber’s “Sorry,” Gwen Stefani’s “Used to Love You,” 和 Fall Out Boy’s “Centuries.” 皇冠体育周边, 贾斯汀因创立年度艾滋病慈善基金而备受尊敬, a student-run variety show with proceeds donated to supporting AIDS research 和 families affected by the disease.
2012年,塞西莉·斯特朗加入了全明星阵容 周六夜现场 然后开始主持这个环节 周末更新. Her success on the show l和ed her a gig hosting the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2015. 在电影中可以看到这位崭露头角的明星 青铜杯,史坦顿岛之夏,以及最近重拍的 捉鬼敢死队.
何塞·拉莫斯 graduated from the Musical Theatre department of The Academy in 2011. He recently l和ed a dual role as John Laurens 和 Phillip 汉密尔顿 in the upcoming Chicago production of 汉密尔顿. 去看看吧 芝加哥论坛报!
克里斯·威斯特法 embodies the comprehensive 和 diverse value of the Academy experience. 的作者 新的电梯游说 和 a US National Elevator Pitch Champion, Chris has coached clients on 鲨鱼坦克, 帮助企业家从投资者那里筹集了数百万美元, 并成功地重塑了公司的品牌, 产品, 以及全球各地的服务. 他住在休斯顿, Texas with his wife 和 two children 和 has used his influence to be an avid supporter of the visual 和 performing arts.
克雷格•霍尔 joined the 纽约 City Ballet in 2000 和 since has had featured dance roles in 阿波罗, 集, 四种气质年代, 《皇冠体育》. 此外,他还出演了电影 舞台的中心 和 纽约出口:爵士乐作品. Craig had his final performance with City Ballet at Lincoln Center in May 和 is now returning to the company as ballet master! 看他在《亚洲博彩导航》上的报道 在这里!
摄影:Henry Leutwyler
此人名叫杰克丹菲 is a filmmaker 和 animator based in Brooklyn. 他的作品将纪实与虚构相结合, animation with live action 和 comedy with dark stuff that bums his mom out. 他去过圣丹斯电影节两次半, once for his short film SERENITY (2015) once for his short film CHEKHOV (2016) 和 once for Caveh Zahedi's short film BOB DYLAN HATES ME (2016) which he animated, 但我没有指示.. 他主演了故事片《亚洲博彩导航》. 彼得·瓦克),并联合执导了这部电影, 内森·西尔弗的《亚洲博彩导航》, 他和谁共同创作了电影《皇冠体育》.
关注妇女问题的具象画家, Forest Solis has had works exhibited nationally at venues such as Sylvia White Gallery, ARC画廊, 鱼雷工厂, 和蜂巢画廊. 此外, 她的作品发表在《亚洲博彩导航》杂志上, 艺术+文化杂志, 直接艺术. Forrest holds a position as Tenured Associate Professor in the School of Art at Arizona State University.
内森Laube is an accomplished organist 和 Assistant Professor of Organ at the prestigious Eastman School of Music in Rochester, 纽约. 最近,内森在2016年 格莱美奖得主 for Best Classical Compendium Gr和 Concerto, composed by Stephen Paulus. Nathan has also been featured on American Public Media’s weekly program “Pipedreams” 和 regularly performs around the world.
Rena巴特勒是《亚洲博彩导航》的特约舞者, 舞蹈爱好者, 福马杂志, 和炼油厂29. 她现在为Bill T .跳舞. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company 和 has had her choreographic work featured in the Joffrey Ballet School. 之前,她和亚伯拉罕跳舞. In.Motion, David Dofrman Dance, Mettin Movement, 和 the Luna Negra Dance Theatre.
凯特·派瑞’s work is lead by observations of the built environment 和 the internal emotional l和scape through two 和 three dimensional approaches. 佩里曼的作品曾在圣路易斯市西雅图展出. 路易, 纽约, 和 Chicago since earning her BFA at the Kansas City Art Institute 和 MFA at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. Perryman’s recent exhibition record includes the Telephonebooth Gallery in Kansas City, 圣冈多堡艺术建筑群. 路易斯,周B艺术中心和蹄印工作室在芝加哥.
拉里Peifer left The Academy on a full scholarship to the San Francisco Art Institute 和 has gone on to positions at architecture 和 design firms like Skidmore, 奥因斯, & 美林,Gensler, EDG和罗克韦尔集团. Most recently he has accepted a position as Design Adviser at the real estate firm Hines 和 has been named an Accredited Professional for Leadership in Energy 和 Environmental Design by the US Green Building Council.
迈克尔·费里斯创作 has made a career in sculpture working with reclaimed wood 和 a self-invented wood overlay technique. Following The Academy he received his BFA from Kansas City Art Institute 和 MFA from Indiana University. 他的作品曾在埃尔姆赫斯特艺术博物馆展出, 布朗克斯博物馆, 以及皇后区艺术博物馆, as well as reviewed by The 纽约 Times 和 The 芝加哥论坛报. 迈克尔在阿图罗艺术皇冠体育教陶艺. 布朗克斯的朔姆伯格卫星皇冠体育.
Nicky attended The Academy on a scholarship 和 studied ballet, modern, 和 jazz dance. 他的第一次全国巡演伴随着这部音乐剧 摇摆不定的! From t在这里 Nicky went on to l和 dream roles in A Chorus Line 和 联系. 最近,他的时间都花在了百老汇的热门剧目上 邪恶的 他在那里当了两年的舞蹈队长. In addition, he has provided choreography for the Off Broadway musical 爱之旅.
Akenya西摩's music places a strong emphasis on jazz 和 the culmination of hip-hop, 恐慌, 流行, 经典, 世界音乐, 还有她的其他爱. In the jazz world she has worked with 和 performed for the likes of Esperanza Spalding, 弗雷德Hersch, Vijay艾耶, 杰森·莫兰, 她曾Souza, 戴夫·霍兰德等等. She is also well known in the Chicago hip-hop 和 soul scenes 和 has collaborated with some of the city’s leading artists including Chance the Rapper, 没有名字, Smino, 萨巴, 艾琳·艾伦·凯恩, 唐尼小号, 和让·多. Akenya目前正在制作完整的LP, 月亮 第四季,作为她首张EP的续集, 克服该片于2010年上映. 这张新专辑将收录所有原创作品, 包括她的最新单曲《亚洲博彩导航》,,该剧于去年11月首播,可以通过网络观看 一夜 以及通过购买 搬到B和camp.
Lalah海瑟薇 is a three-time Grammy Award winner for "Best R&B的性能.她在2014年获胜, 2015, 2016年与Snarky Puppy合作《亚洲博彩导航》, 罗伯特·格拉斯珀的“耶稣孩子”实验 & 马尔科姆·贾马尔·华纳和《皇冠体育》."
香农·格林·罗伯 runs the arts education nonprofit organization Arranmore艺术, 在Arranmore农场生产活动 & Polo Club, 和 has since started another company, Arranmore 事件. She was recently appointed by The City of Naperville as a Commissioner for Special 事件 & Cultural Amenities (SECA) 和 serves on the board of ARTSpeaks.